Please consider contributing to VIN. VIN has no regular funding coming from any other organizations. We are just operated on volunteering basis and we fund our staffs and projects through international volunteers. Your financial contribution will support our mission to operate our programs in Nepal in partnership with sustainable community initiatives, bringing people together to work side-by-side while sharing perspectives, and fostering cultural understanding. Choose one of the following funds:
Child Sponsorship fund
VIN aims to sponsor over 200 children from the most marginalized communities. It is very difficult to find a sponsor who commits continuation funding for long term. VIN therefore has adopted the strategy of collecting funds of whatever amount you wish to send. These funds, pooled together from multiple donors are collected as collective funding and we regularly support our children in this manner.
Project Operating Fund
Your financial support for the Project Operating Fund (POF) allows VIN to uphold its mission, have a positive impact on the local communities we serve, and continue to offer programs for women, children, youth and teachers across the most marginalized communities. Donations to the POF help support the regular project operations of VIN in its working communities. Contributions to this fund have an immediate impact on the most marginalized communities, and allow us to direct funds to the areas most needed.
Local Volunteer Support Fund
The Local Volunteer Support Fund provides financial assistance to volunteers who have been unable to achieve their fundraising goal, and have applied for the support of local volunteers who are keen to work but can not make the volunteering arrangements. Your donation will help create opportunities for volunteers that will positively impact them, and the local communities we serve. We pay our local youth volunteers for their transportations, lunch, communication and some pocket money which will not exceed 70Euros per month. So your small contribution will help our local volunteers volunteer and gain skills and impact in the community at the meanwhile.
Endowment Fund
In honor of the 4rd Anniversary of VIN, the Endowment Fund will be established in September 2014 to secure the future of VIN volunteer programs for generations to come. Your contribution to the Endowment Fund is an investment in the future of our volunteer programs, the life-changing impact to our local volunteers, staffs, and to the communities we serve.
Orphanage Center Support Fund
VIN has set up an Orphanage Center Support Fund. If you contribute $20, will ensure food for one month for an orphan child. The fund ensures the food and education for over 60 orphan children in three different orphanage centers. The orphanage center we work do not have have any funding coming from any other sources and in Nepal the government does not provide any support either and the orphanages do not have enough nutritious food supply and can not afford for a good education. VIN therefore has established these funds so that we can always ensure enough food supply and good education for those unfortunate children. We need at least 1000USD per month for food supplies for these orphanage centers.